Colley Lane Primary Academy, Colley Lane, Halesowen, B63 2TN
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Dudley's Cost of Living Support Hubs

20th January 2023

The Citizens Advice Bureau in Dudley and Wolverhampton, in conjunction with Dudley Empowerment Partnership and supported by DMBC Public Health and the NHS Black Country ICB, are opening 4 Cost of Living Support Hubs starting 30th January which will be running for the next 12 months.

The decision to set up these cost of living support hubs has been made in response to feedback from members of the public, who have said they are struggling to meet the rising basic day-to-day living costs including the ongoing climb in energy prices.

These crisis hubs will give much needed emergency relief so many people are telling us they need. Dudley’s Cost of Living Support Hubs are here to help with some of the immediate struggles households face to afford food, pay bills and buy essentials.

The Hubs will provide support to any Dudley resident who needs help, offering immediate poverty relieving support and information on how to save money and make money stretch further, along with practical help relating to access to food, fuel, available grants and funds based on qualifying criteria.

The Support Hubs will start opening across the Borough on the 30th January with a phased approach in the following venues and on the following days (opening hours to the public are 9.30-3.30pm):

  • Monday: Provision House, 80-81 High Street, Dudley DY1 1PY as of 30th January
  • Tuesday: Christ Church, The Vicarage High St, Stourbridge, DY9 8LF as of End of Feb
  • Wednesday: Halesowen Library, Hagley Mall Cornbow Centre, Halesowen B63 4AJ as of End of Feb
  • Thursday: Brierley Hill Methodist Church, 24 Bank Street, Brierley Hill DY5 3DA as of 30th January
  • Friday: Provision House, 80-81 High Street, Dudley DY1 1PY as of 30th January

For more information on advice services and how the Citizens Advice Bureau can help you, please visit their website: